Minister's Message May 2024

May We Act Seeking Justice for All
Dear Church Family – Central to the our expression of
faith is a commitment to justice… for example ‘many
Methodists look to John Wesley’s opposition to slavery. As
Methodism’s founder he was one of the first prominent
church leaders to oppose slavery as an institution rather
than aspects of slavery that were deemed particularly
cruel. Wesley was prepared to take a stand against powerful social and
economic forces, influential people and a business sector that was a major
source of British wealth’ (David Field – United Methodist Church).
We challenge injustice because God values all people and all creation, a
liberating God who perfectly brings together justice, mercy and truth.
God always takes the side of people experiencing poverty and injustice
and we are called to do the same. Jesus proclaims in Luke 4…
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring
good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives
and recovery of sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free…”
We long for God’s justice in the world and for the world. Around the globe
and in their own local communities, Methodists are working for justice
through responding to needs and campaigning for change.
Challenging injustice is never easy – it is rare for a challenge to be
welcome. This can be something we individually, but is often better done
together as a small group or a congregation.
In one Methodist Church… ‘Henry pops into ‘tea and toast’ on a Friday
morning. This is a community space offering food, fellowship, debt advice,
prayer and in which Henry is valued. As the organisers built this new
offering and met the community they have seen the effect of poverty on
those at Tea and Toast, SO they’ve joined a city-wide lobbying group,
working with the council to end food poverty in the local area.’
Pause for thought
In what ways are we powerful/powerless when it comes to an issue of
injustice (eg bullying, homeless, human trafficking, poverty, racism)?.
At the end of his ‘Thoughts Upon Slavery Wesley prays. “O God of love,
you who are loving to every person, and whose mercy is over all your
works; you are the Father of the spirits of all flesh, and you are rich in
mercy to all”. May this be our prayer too…
God bless you all – Rev Alan