Minister's Message April 14th 2024

Dear Circuit Family

I am constantly surprised by how each of us worships God in different ways.  We have differing spiritualities that are unique as we are unique… Brian O’Leary, reflecting on exploring spirituality puts it like this:

I am so moved by the compassion I see at work in the person and ministry of Jesus that compassion has become the cornerstone of my spirituality. My whole life has become an expression of this compassion that flows through me. It affects all my decision-making. You, on the other hand, may be captivated and challenged by the story of the rich young man. Because of this particular resonance you embrace a spirituality of radical simplicity. You model your life on that of the poor Jesus, who ‘emptied himself, taking the form of a slave’ (Phil. 2:7). The fact that we have different responses to the Gospel does not mean that either of us is living more authentically than the other. However, each of us is choosing – or has been chosen! – to live the out our Christian spirituality in a particular way and with a distinctive emphasis.

The great gift of the church is that we have the opportunity to come together, to share and learn from each other’s encounters with the living God.   May we all be open to and blessed by this sharing.


And as we emerge from Holy Week I am reminded that it represents both the highest and lowest point in the spiritual year. The lowest, in that it is the week of greatest suffering for Our Lord, and yet the highest, as it is through that very suffering and dying that Easter comes – the Resurrection. 

So we pray: Lord Jesus, thank you that you are with each person, that we each respond to you in different ways.  Thank you that you are especially with all those who are suffering at this time in the world, (and there are many). May we not forget that it is through dying and the shadow of the valley of death that we are brought to new life in Christ. May we remember that we have a Redeemer and Saviour, a God Who loves us to the point of dying for us, and Who will one day make all things new. He is our Hope. Amen.

Rev Alan & the Team